Открытие компании в Коста-Рике
Открытие компании в Коста-Рике

Opening of a Company in Costa Rica

A lot of investors are trying to transfer their business to other countries, but this is not for everyone. Costa Rica is a good choice for company registration.

The economy of Costa Rica is based on tourism, agriculture and the production and export of electronics (microprocessors and medical devices). Foreign investors are attracted by political stability, the qualification of the workforce, as well as tax incentives.

At any time You can get advice from our company. Thanks to the knowledge that You will get by contacting us, starting a business in Costa Rica will not seem to You a difficult task.

Why do businessmen choose this state

Many investors liked Costa Rica for the company’s opening. That’s because there are a number of advantages of registering a company in Costa Rica, such as:
  • a high degree of confidentiality and anonymity;
  • fast registration – from 20 to 40 working days;
  • the company pays taxes on income generated in Costa Rica;
  • there are no reporting or accounting requirements;
  • Costa Rica is not considered an offshore haven and has a number of free trade agreements with various countries (USA, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Dominican Republic and the Caribbean).

It should also be noted that the most common legal form in Costa Rica is “Sociedad Anonima”, meaning that shareholders are not responsible for the company’s actions.
Maintenance Services
Protey Consulting Group will conduct qualitative assessment and present heir suggestions considering the tax burden lowering of Your enterprise.
Our qualified employees have a great experience and extensive practice implementing the decisions of development and automation of accounting process.
Our specialists will help and advise You of any issues relating to the provision of registered office, nominee directors, shareholders, secretaries, etc.
The crisis affects one country after another and one of the most sought-after ways is not just to save Your savings, but also to multiply them – investing in real estate.
Protey Consulting Group company offers the opportunity of obtaining a second citizenship and permanent residency in such countries as Cyprus and Malta.
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