• 100% Confidentiality
  • The Most Reliable Banks in the World
Do You want to open a bank account in Asia or Europe? We hasten to please You, today it can be done without presence in a particular country, where You show the account. Moreover, it is not necessary to be a resident of this country. The main is to appeal to the right company – for example, to us and then You will not have any problems with the opening.

We will make every effort to open an account with a fast, inexpensive and minimal amount of documents required from Your side.

Why Open оf Foreign Bank Accounts

If You are going to develop Your own business or plan to conduct any financial activity, You will not be able to do this without opening an account. It can be got not only on physical persons, but also on the name of own firm.

A huge plus is the development of the banking system in the countries of Europe and Asia, thanks to which they can safely be called not only reliable, but also organized. We will not talk about which banking institutions are the economic basis – this information is for sure known to You, because their branches are located in most EU countries, which means that You almost certainly faced them personally. In addition, each country, in each region, has its own banks, not beyond them – opening accounts is available in them.

Is it necessary to have Your own account in a foreign bank?

To a normal person, of course, it can never be useful. But if You have business in Europe and Asia, then Your own account becomes mandatory.

Opening is made available with all the necessary registration documents, which confirm Your intention to act within the law and not to make financial fraud. The bank will need the address to send correspondence there, and the phone. As a rule, the opening takes place within several working days – on average, from two to five. Conditions can be changed depending on which particular banking organization was chosen.

We hasten to please You, registering a company with our support, You not only save Your valuable time, but also money. The fact is that in other cases the account is much more expensive to pay than for us. So why overpay?!

The information, which banks may require:

  • Business owner
  • Shareholders (if nominees, then declaration of trust is mandatory)
  • Directors
  • Secretary
  • Company’s business address (different from the legal address)
  • Company’s activities description (Form is filled, containing all the necessary questions, including expected annual turnover, recipient countries and sender countries of the funds)

For individuals:

  • Copy of the passport (more often international passport, i.е. the passport, with which a person was registered in the company)
  • Residence address (this might be an internal passport with registration or utility bill, telephone, bank statement, containing a person’s name and address — with translation)
  • Bank Reference

For legal entities:

  • Company’s registration document (with registration date and company number)
  • The list of company’s directors, shareholders, secretaries and its legal address on a current date (for every individual, mentioned in the documents, copies of passports are also must be provided)
  • Company’s constituent documents copies (Charter and Memorandum of Association) – Trust Agreement, in case the company used nominee shareholders
Some banks are not limited to the above-mentioned documents and may request additional information.

All documents submitted to the bank must be properly certified: notarized, apostilled or legalized. When opening an account abroad, most banks aim to get to know their client as best as possible BUT for Your own comfort Protey Consulting Group company specialists will maximally simplify the process and will save Your time and money.

Today we can offer to open a bank account in such countries:

The list of jurisdictions (banks) is not exhaustive. Business connections allow to pick any individual bank product that meets Your requirements. More detailed information You can get by ordering a consultation on our website.
What Protey Consulting Group Offers
Our company offers its customers the services of opening bank accounts anywhere in the world – from Cyprus to Cook Islands, remotely as well, without personal presence. Our specialists will be happy to assist choosing a bank, which will correspond to Your requirements and Your field of activity, as we are cooperating with banks, located in different jurisdictions. You can open an account for both commercial and for investment purposes. You only need to give a documents package, required for registration, brief description of company’s activities, beneficiary information and finally – sign the bank forms.

Services for Business

Maintenance Services
Protey Consulting Group will conduct qualitative assessment and present heir suggestions considering the tax burden lowering of Your enterprise.
Our qualified employees have a great experience and extensive practice implementing the decisions of development and automation of accounting process.
Our specialists will help and advise You of any issues relating to the provision of registered office, nominee directors, shareholders, secretaries, etc.
The crisis affects one country after another and one of the most sought-after ways is not just to save Your savings, but also to multiply them – investing in real estate.
Protey Consulting Group company offers the opportunity of obtaining a second citizenship and permanent residency in such countries as Cyprus and Malta.
Once turning to Protey Consulting Group, You will make a reliable partner for many years!
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