Открыть счёт в Люксембурге
Открыть счёт в Люксембурге

Opening a Bank Account in Luxembourg

Why Luxembourg?

In the practice of our company, there a lot of investors who want to open an account in a Luxembourg bank. What do You think, why do they do this? Investors are very smart people, like all businessmen, so this is far from easy. That’s why we suggest You disassemble everything “by bones”.

Advantages of opening an account in Luxembourg

If You opened an account in Luxembourg, You can have a lot of pluses along the way. First, the banking system here is stable and reliable. Perhaps, this is one of the biggest advantages. Secondly, confidentiality is at a high level – according to this criterion, Luxembourg’s banks are not inferior to those in Switzerland. Thirdly, the real name of the owner of funds in the process of opening an account can be classified. As You understand, this is one of the main reasons for opening an account in Luxembourg banks for individuals and legal entities.

Among other things, You will be offered other options. From investing money and building up Your own securities portfolio. There is one “BUT”. The independent opening of an account in Luxembourg requires free time and the availability of related knowledge. We suggest You contact our company for support in order to save Your time and money.

Related Materials

Opening of a Company in Luxembourg
For Opening of a company in Luxembourg, You will need funds and documentation prepared in company Protey Consulting Group.

Maintenance Services
Protey Consulting Group will conduct qualitative assessment and present heir suggestions considering the tax burden lowering of Your enterprise.
Our qualified employees have a great experience and extensive practice implementing the decisions of development and automation of accounting process.
Our specialists will help and advise You of any issues relating to the provision of registered office, nominee directors, shareholders, secretaries, etc.
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