Открытие счёта в банке Великобритании
Открытие счёта в банке Великобритании

Opening an Account in the UK

Features of opening a bank account in the UK

The first thing You should do is ask Yourself if You really need to open an account in a bank of the UK. This procedure is not easy, but all in all it is an achievable task. However, it is not necessary to do this on Your own – You can always assign part of the work to someone else. In this case, You can count on the help of our company, for full support up to the opening of an account. We take on most of the duties, all paperwork, thereby minimizing Your participation in the procedure to save time.

Benefits of banks in the UK to other countries

And now we suggest You to understand why banking organizations are in demand among businessmen. Really, the British offer more favorable conditions than the domestic system? Yes, this is so. In addition, by opening an account in a UK bank for an individual or a legal organization, You can store funds in one of the most secure systems or develop Your own business, provided that the company was created earlier.

Related Materials

Opening a Company in the UK
At any time You can get a lot of advice about opening a company in the UK from company Protey Consulting Group.

Maintenance Services
Protey Consulting Group will conduct qualitative assessment and present heir suggestions considering the tax burden lowering of Your enterprise.
Our qualified employees have a great experience and extensive practice implementing the decisions of development and automation of accounting process.
Our specialists will help and advise You of any issues relating to the provision of registered office, nominee directors, shareholders, secretaries, etc.
The crisis affects one country after another and one of the most sought-after ways is not just to save Your savings, but also to multiply them – investing in real estate.
Protey Consulting Group company offers the opportunity of obtaining a second citizenship and permanent residency in such countries as Cyprus and Malta.
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